Elena Kubičková

Elena Kubičková

Indian Classical Music - Esraj


Ukázky z alba ESRAJ (2017)

Raga Lalit - alap (4 min, 9 MB)

Raga Lalit - vilambit tintal (3 min, 6 MB)

Raga Bageshri – drut tintal (8 min, 20 MB)



Elena Kubičková is a Czech Indian classical music performer playing the esraj. She studied classical violin and was a member of a string chamber orchestra. In Hindustani classical music she was educated first by violinist and musicologist prof. Dr. Smarajit Chakravorty, in India she studied under Dr. Jibendra Narayan Goswami (sitar maestro) and Dr. V. Balaji (singer and violinist, prof. of Hindu University in Benares). She has played the esraj, the traditional North Indian bowed instrument, since 1990. Together with other musicians she released several CDs of which several have been used as film music, for example for the three-part film by Igor Chaun „A Passage to India“. She has also appeared in Poland, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland and Italy. In Czech republic Elena collaborates mainly with an important Czech tabla player Tomáš Reindl and sometimes with Indian renowned musicians. The great honor for her was the collaboration with Dr. J. N. Goswami, with whom and his Indian tablaist she performed Jugalbandi in Prague and other cities including the International Opera Festival Smetanova Litomyšl in 2006. Elena regularly gives concerts of Indian classical music in many places of the Czech Republic. She is also propagating Indian ragas through lecturer (e.g. Charles University in Prague). For some years she took part in joint music-and-dance project DAMARU launched by Ivana Hessová, dancer and instructor of classical Indian dance kathak. For fifteen years she has been preparing regular night programs of Indian classical music on the Czech National Radio Station „Vltava“.